Sound Deadening & Thermal Insulation
HushMat® Silencer Megabond
Silencer Megabond is designed to eliminate higher frequency airborne noise that damping materials do not treat. Engine Noise penetrating through the firewall, wind noise behind door and pillar trim panels and above the headliner, Road noise caused by tires and road surface variation that comes through the trunk and cargo space. This noise is typically above 600 Hz frequency. Silencer Megabond is engineered to absorb this noise. You enjoy the solid feel and quiet ride of your automobile. Silencer Megabond in combination with HushMat Ultra provides excellent thermal insulating properties. Hushmat Silencer Megabond is a compressible closed cell synthetic rubber material. It consists of foam with an aggressive adhesive on one side that bonds to surface. Hushmat Silencer Megabond uses an adhesive that permanently bonds to the substrate.